Empire . Schil´s Darts

We reinforcered our Empire army with a new Empire regiment. Shil´s Darts is a State Troops Swordmen unit for Warhammer Fantasy.

If everybody could became order Knight , it wouldn´t be a honor

Schil is the third son of a Hochland noble family. He have been sargent of a Empire Pistoliers regiment named “Darts”. They really like shot to the enemies really close.

The regiment was patrolling the old fores road when they found beastmen. The fight was bloody and Schil was bound. From this day he can´t ride. Schil give up in his dream to become a knight and took the command of a State Troops Swordmen Empire regiment.

Schil´s darts has been follow patrol Hochland roads and ways, hunting beastmen, orcs, and dark creatures.

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Peak, was found by Schild Dart´s amoung a destroyed commercial caravan. The Empire peoples belive that griffons bring good luck, so the Swordmen added Peak in their banner.

Nobody tries to train Peak to this day.

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Schil´s Darts patrols the dangerous Hochland forest.

Another regiment for our Empire army to play Warhammer Fantasy.  We think that Hochland has alost units, maeby we should add a new province.

Wich one would you like much?

Comi Mec

Es quien a través de un continuo proceso de aprendizaje elabora la escenografía del blog. Además se encarga de la traducción de los post y su difusión en Internet.Este es "El taller" en donde se realiza gran parte de la escenografía que os mostramos en El Canto de las Espadas. La verdad es que nos gustaría tener un espacio más amplio y conservarlo algo más ordenado, pero...

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