Skink Alpha Chamaleon

SKU: Miniatures-JunglesAwakening-Lizardmen-AlphaChamaleon-Unit

Skink Alpha Chamaleon

Amidst the dense jungle foliage, the hunter melds seamlessly with his natural surroundings. Patient and unwavering, his keen eyes fix upon potential quarry, his very breath harmonizing with the symphony of the wild. Suddenly, a halt—a foe frozen in the heart of a winding stream, their path converging upon the coveted camp of the Lizardmen. With steely resolve, he scans the hidden lair of the chameleon hunting party, yet discerns naught amiss. The adversaries press on, their footsteps hushed amidst the cacophony of nature’s chorus. As they near a bend, where ancient roots ensnare the trail, the Skink Alpha Chameleon springs forth with the grace of a celestial avenger, claiming his rightful prey with a lethal ease that echoes through the annals of legend

Skink Alpha Chamaleon, a hero for any Lizardmen army in games like Saga: Age of Magic, Kings of War, The 9th Age, Forgotten World and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

Compatible model with Mordheim City Of The Damned and other skirmish games like Frostgrave, Rangers of the Shadow Deep and Circle of Blood.

Patreon Wargames August 2022Patreon Wargames July 2022
From: 5.00 
Product Quantity

Skink Alpha Chamaleon - Digital Files


Skink Alpha Chamaleon - Physical Model


Skink Alpha Chamaleon. Suitable for any Lizardmen army, warband and collection.


Digital Files kit includes STL files of: Skink Alpha Chamaleon.
Physical Model kit includes: Skink Alpha Chamaleon.


Digital Files: Pre supported Stl files included as complimentary gift not included in the price of the item. Supports can be remove before print. Supported for Chitubox®. Download will be available along the following 30 days after the purchase. This product is a STL file. A 3D printer is necessary to get it as physical model. Compressed files with Winrar®.

Physical Models: Physical model printed under demand with an Anycubic Photon Mono Printer or similar. 20µm resolution. Clean of supports, some small imperfections may occur where the supports are placed.

Additional information





Made of





Skink Alpha Chamaleon - Digital Files





Made of




Skink Alpha Chamaleon - Physical Model

Weight 0.021 kg



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Made of




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