Defeated Vampire on Horse

SKU: Miniaturas-Undead-OrdoDraconis-DefeatedVampireSpears-Unit

Defeated Vampire on Horse

Woe unto the vanquished! Where little mercy oft treads the fields of battle, scantier still is the grace extended to certain races or distinguished beings. A Lord of Blood, steeped in their cruelty and disdainful of mercy towards others, their pride towering high, shall never deign to beseech it from those who may, in rare valor, overcome them. What to the ignoble nobility they belong is deemed a cause for life, becomes, in their arrogance, the very cause for their demise. And to master such an act is an art adorned with refinement and a subtle irony. For not all are privy to the secrets of laying low a vampire for eternity.

This miniature can be use as a complement to any regiment for tabletop games like Forgotten World, Saga: Age of Magic, KOW, The Ninth Age and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

Patreon Wargames May 2022
From: 10.00 
Product Quantity

Defeated Vampire on Horse - Physical Model

Queen's Spears - Digital Files



Defeated Vampire on Horse. 32mm scale models, sculpted on 3D. Suitable for any Undead and Vampire army, warband and collection.

Physical Models kit includes: Defeated Vampire.

Digital Files kit includes STL Files of: Officer, Bearer, Musician, 4 elves (different models) and Defeated vampire on horse. Extra bits can be used to assemble different models.


Physical model printed under demand with an Anycubic Photon Mono Printer or similar. 20µm resolution. Clean of supports, some small imperfections may occur where the supports are placed.

Digital Files: Pre supported Stl files included as complimentary gift not included in the price of the item. Supports can be remove before print. Supported for Chitubox®. Download will be available along the following 30 days after the purchase. This product is a STL file. A 3D printer is necessary to get it as physical model. Compressed files with Winrar®.

Additional information





Made of



Defeated Vampire on Horse - Physical Model

Weight 0.021 kg




Made of




Queen's Spears - Digital Files





Made of




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