From the murky depths of the Beastmen’s domain arises the tribal shaman, a towering and twisted figure whose grotesque visage strikes fear into the hearts of all who behold him. With a gnarled hand, he weaves ancient and forbidden incantations, wielding a staff adorned with grim trophies – two skulls, ominous symbols of his malevolent might.
In a daring display of dark sorcery, the shaman transmutes a young acolyte into a short creature, binding him as his Familiar. In this unholy metamorphosis, the youth’s human form becomes fused with that of a swine, emitting otherworldly cries that echo the boundary between man and beast.
In this forsaken corner of the world, where the tendrils of magic and corruption intertwine, the shaman and his eerie Familiar stand as harbingers of the perils lurking within the depths of the forest, a grim reminder that curiosity often exacts a dire toll.
Shaman and Familiar, Beastmen characters on foot for skirmish games like Rangers of the Shadow Deep, Circle of Blood, Frostgrave and other Mordheim City of Damned.
These miniatures can be used as hero in any Beastmen army for tabletop games like Forgotten World, Saga: Age of Magic, Oathmark, KOW, The Ninth Age and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.
Take your High Shaman and Familiar into dungeons and role-playing games.