To ascend to the coveted mantle of Warlord among the fierce Bloodmoon tribe is a trial fraught with peril. The Beastmen hold little regard for mere words, demanding instead tangible displays of strength, often manifesting in raw, unbridled force. The savage spectacle of contenders vying for supremacy ignites a fervor throughout the tribe, for in their eyes, only the mightiest deserve to lead. Amidst this tumultuous struggle, leadership transitions are embraced, so long as they promise bountiful plunder, sacrificial offerings, and the unwavering defense of their territorial bounds.
The scars that mar the bodies of the few who survive serve as a grim testament to the primal ferocity unleashed in the pursuit of dominance. Yet, to claim the throne is but the beginning, for the vigilant eyes of envious rivals forever shadow the leader, awaiting any sign of weakness to challenge their ascendancy.
Thus, the path to greatness demands not only the strength to seize power but the indomitable will to safeguard it against all who would dare to usurp it.
Warlord of the Bloodmoon Tribe, a hero for any Beastmen army in games like Forgotten World, Oathmark, Saga: Age of Magic, Kings of War, The 9th Age and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.
Compatible model with Mordheim City Of The Damned and other skirmish games like Rangers of the Shadow Deep, Frostgrave and Circle of Blood.