Dark Phalanx in combat

SKU: Miniatures-Elves-FallenLineage-DarkPhalanxCombat-Unit

Dark Phalanx in combat

The Dark Phalanx paused in the thick of battle, having valiantly repelled a relentless onslaught from a tenacious unit of enemy lancers for the final time. The morning was a chess match of strategic maneuvers and feints, all orchestrated to mystify the enemy regarding the true might of the Dark Elves’ forces. Thus, when the foe finally mustered the courage to initiate their assault, the Dark Phalanx stood ready on advantageous ground. With a fierce display, they rebuffed the initial charge of the light cavalry with their piercing spears, swiftly transitioning to swords to engage the dismounted, injured riders or those who had tumbled from their steeds. The battle unfolded precisely as foreseen in their meticulous plans, and once that unit lay decimated, they surged towards the flank of the vast enemy lancer unit, catching them unawares and delivering a crushing defeat. It was time now to return to their ships for a serene reembarkation, their victory complete and unchallenged.

Elven warriors usable individually for skirmish games like Rangers of the Shadow Deep, Frostgrave, Circle of Blood and other Mordheim City Of The Damned alternatives.

These miniatures can be used as unit in any Elven army for tabletop games like Forgotten World, Saga: Age of Magic, KOW, The 9th Age and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

From: 16.00 
Product Quantity

Dark Phalanx in combat - Digital Files


Dark Phalanx in combat, Regiment (16) - Physical Models

Dark Phalanx in combat, Command Group (4) - Physical Models

Dark Phalanx in combat, Detachment (12) - Physical Models

Dark Phalanx in combat, Patrol (4) - Physical Models


Dark Phalanx in combat. 32mm scale model, sculpted on 3D. Suitable for any Elves and Dark Elves army, warband and collection. Dark Phalanx in combat can be equiped with sword or spear and shield.

Digital Files includes STL Files of: Officer, Bearer, 2 Flags (different models), 2 Musicians (different models), 4 Dark Elves (different models) and extra bits. Extra bits can be used to assemble different models.

Regiment Physical Models kit includes: Officer, Bearer, 2 Flags (different models), 2 Musicians (different models), 12 Dark Elves (four different models) and extra bits. Extra bits can be used to assemble different models.

Command Group Physical Models kit includes: Officer, Bearer, 2 Flags and 2 Musicians (different models).

Detachment Physical Models kit includes: 12 Dark Elves (four different models) and extra bits. Extra bits can be used to assemble different models.

Patrol kit includes: 4 Dark Elves (different models) and extra bits. Extra bits can be used to assemble different models.


Physical model will be released on December, 2023.


Digital Files: Pre supported Stl files included as complimentary gift not included in the price of the item. Supports can be remove before print. Supported for Chitubox®. Download will be available along the following 30 days after the purchase. This product is a STL file. A 3D printer is necessary to get it as physical model. Compressed files with Winrar®.

Physical Models: Physical model printed under demand with an Anycubic Photon Mono Printer or similar. 20µm resolution. Clean of supports, some small imperfections may occur where the supports are placed.

Additional information




Made of






Dark Phalanx in combat - Digital Files




Made of



Dark Phalanx in combat, Regiment (16) - Physical Models

Weight 0.121 kg



Made of




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Dark Phalanx in combat, Command Group (4) - Physical Models

Weight 0.051 kg



Made of




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Dark Phalanx in combat, Detachment (12) - Physical Models

Weight 0.101 kg



Made of




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Dark Phalanx in combat, Patrol (4) - Physical Models

Weight 0.051 kg



Made of




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