Elven Spearmen

SKU: Miniatures-Elves-HighElves-ElvenSpearmen-Unit

Elven Spearmen

The disciplined units of spearmen stand as the stalwart guardians of the elven army, their ranks forming the very essence of its strength and resilience. With unwavering discipline and unwavering dedication, they serve as the vanguard of every maneuver, the bulwark against which the tide of enemy aggression breaks.

As the main force of maneuverability, they possess the agility and precision necessary to swiftly respond to changing battlefield conditions, adapting their formations and tactics with seamless efficiency. Whether tasked with holding the line against overwhelming odds or launching a decisive counterattack, they execute their duties with unyielding resolve and unwavering commitment.

In times of crisis, it is upon their steadfast shoulders that the fate of the battle rests. Their presence on the field is not merely advantageous but indispensable, for without them, victory remains but a distant dream. Through rigorous training and tireless practice, they hone their skills to perfection, mastering the art of combat in all its forms.

Their weapon of choice, the versatile spear, is not merely a tool of warfare but an extension of their own prowess. With its reach and flexibility, they can strike from a distance or engage in close combat with equal ferocity, ensuring that no threat goes unanswered.

Thus, it is through the unwavering dedication and unmatched skill of these disciplined spearmen that the elven army stands as an unassailable force on the battlefield, ready to face any challenge and emerge victorious.

Elven Spearmen, High Elf warriors regiment for Kings of War, The 9th Age, Forgotten World, Oathmark, Saga: Age of Magic and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

Compatible models with Mordheim City Of The Damned and other skirmish games like Frostgrave, Rangers of the Shadow Deep and Circle of Blood.

Patreon Wargames August 2024
From: 5.00 
Product Quantity

Elven Spearmen - Digital Files


Spearmen, regiment (20) - Physical Models

Spearmen, patrol (4) - Physical Models

Drako Command Group - Physical Models

5.00  each


We are the elves, the kin that rule the destiny of the world. Our spears are the manifest will of the people who stand among the stars“.

Spearmen are  32mm plastic resin miniature for wargames. Furthermore archers are multicomponent and multipose miniatures.


Digital Files kit includes STL files of: 4 Spearmen and Command Group bits.

Regiment Physical Models kit includes: 20 Spearmen (four different models) and Command Sprue.

Patrol Physical Models kit includes: 4 Spearmen (different models) and Command Sprue.

Command Sprue Physical Model kit contains: tree banner, hunting horn, two heads, three swords and a bow.


Digital Files: Pre supported Stl files included as complimentary gift not included in the price of the item. Supports can be remove before print. Supported for Chitubox®. Download will be avariable along the following 30 days after the purchase. This product is a STL file. A 3D printer is necessary to get it as physical model. Compressed files with Winrar®.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. We Recommended the use of modeling tools. Keep away from heat sources and solar rays for a long time. Store between 10º y 20º celius. Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small parts.

Additional information






Made of



Elven Spearmen - Digital Files






Made of



Spearmen, regiment (20) - Physical Models

Weight 0.121 kg






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Made of

Spearmen, patrol (4) - Physical Models

Weight 0.051 kg






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Made of

Drako Command Group - Physical Models

Weight 0.030 kg







Made of

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