Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with Axe

SKU: Miniatures-Elves-ImperialKindred-RangerChampionAxe-Unit

Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with Axe

The verdant canopy stirred, as if stirred by the breath of unseen gods, casting flickering shadows upon the forest floor. The beastly warriors, ever vigilant, sniffed the air with primal suspicion, yet found no scent of impending danger. Undeterred, they pressed forward through the labyrinthine foliage until they reached a small clearing, where they dispersed to catch their breath after their arduous journey through the dense thicket.

Suddenly, a solitary arrow found its mark, piercing the eye of one of the beasts with deadly precision. In an instant, the tranquility shattered, replaced by a frenzied flurry of action as the remaining warriors seized their weapons, muscles taut with anticipation, seeking shelter amidst the chaos. But fate had already woven its cruel tapestry; a relentless barrage of arrows descended upon them from all directions, a merciless rain of death that decimated their ranks, leaving them scrambling in vain to identify their unseen assailants.

The leader, a towering figure of strength and resilience, stood defiant amidst the carnage, a beacon of courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Yet even his indomitable spirit could not withstand the onslaught, and he too fell beneath the relentless hail of projectiles. Only then did the shadows part, revealing the lurking figures of their adversaries, their forms blending seamlessly with the verdant tapestry of the forest.

A figure cloaked in darkness approached the fallen warriors, his presence commanding respect and fear in equal measure. With a single stroke of his axe, he severed the head of the enemy paladin, a grim trophy to serve as a dire warning to any who dared challenge their dominion over the land. Thus, amidst the whispering leaves and the mournful cries of the fallen, the forest bore witness to the brutal assertion of its sovereign will.

Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with axe, a hero for any Elven army in games like Kings of War, The 9th Age, Oathmark, Forgotten World, Saga: Age of Magic and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

Compatible model with Mordheim City Of The Damned and other skirmish games like Rangers of the Shadow Deep, Frostgrave and Circle of Blood

Patreon Wargames February 2023
From: 5.00 
Product Quantity

Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with Axe - Digital Files


Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with Axe - Physical Model

Imperial Kindred Young Blood Rangers - Digital Files


Imperial Kindred Young Blood Rangers (4) - Physical Models


Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with axe. 32mm scale model, sculpted on 3D. Suitable for any Elven army, warband and collection.

Ranger Champion with Axe Digital Kit contains STL files of: 1 Champion.

Ranger Champion with Axe Physical model contains: 1 Champion.

Imperial Kindred Young Blood Rangers Digital kit contains STL files of: 4 Rangers (different models).

Imperial Kindred Young Blood Rangers Physical Kit contains: 4 Rangers (different models).


Digital Files: Pre supported Stl files included as complimentary gift not included in the price of the item. Supports can be remove before print. Supported for Chitubox®. Download will be available along the following 30 days after the purchase. This product is a STL file. A 3D printer is necessary to get it as physical model. Compressed files with Winrar®.

Physical Models: Physical model printed under demand with an Anycubic Photon Mono Printer or similar. 20µm resolution. Clean of supports, some small imperfections may occur where the supports are placed.

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Made of




Cursed City Warband


Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with Axe - Digital Files






Made of



Imperial Kindred Ranger Champion with Axe - Physical Model

Weight 0.021 kg





Made of





Imperial Kindred Young Blood Rangers - Digital Files






Made of



Imperial Kindred Young Blood Rangers (4) - Physical Models

Weight 0.051 kg





Made of





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