Wild Dracos (2)

SKU: Miniatures-Elves-ImperialKindred-WildDracos2-Unit

Wild Dracos (2)

Dracos may be deemed as the humble kin of dragons, devoid of the grandeur of wings and the fury of fire-breath that adorn their colossal brethren. Yet, they embody all the primal savagery that defines the essence of true dragonkind: a chilling indifference, a relentless ferocity, a merciless cruelty, and an instinctual prowess that strikes fear into the hearts of all who cross their path. The havoc they unleash with their razor-sharp fangs and talons rivals that of the mightiest dragons.

Their physical forms seem forged for the sole purpose of warfare, each sinew and scale honed into lethal instruments of destruction. And their temperament, like the tempestuous fury of the storm, is as capricious as the wild winds, unpredictable and untamed, adding an air of dread to their already fearsome presence

Imperial Kindred Wild Dracos miniatures for Dungeons and Role-playing games as wild creatures, servants of the Elven…

These models are compatible with fantasy games like The Ninth Age, Kings of War, Saga: Age of Magic, Oathmark, Forgotten World, and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

Patreon Wargames February 2023
From: 16.00 
Product Quantity

Wild Dracos (2) - Digital Files


Wild Dracos (2) - Physical Models


Imperial Kindred Wild Dracos. 32mm scale models, sculpted on 3D. Suitable for any Elven army, warband and collection.

Digital Files kit contains: 2 Wild Dracos (different models).

Physical models kit contains: 2 Wild Dracos (different models).


Digital Files: Pre supported Stl files included as complimentary gift not included in the price of the item. Supports can be remove before print. Supported for Chitubox®. Download will be available along the following 30 days after the purchase. This product is a STL file. A 3D printer is necessary to get it as physical model. Compressed files with Winrar®.

Physical Models: Physical model printed under demand with an Anycubic Photon Mono Printer or similar. 20µm resolution. Clean of supports, some small imperfections may occur where the supports are placed.

Additional information






Made of




Wild Dracos (2) - Digital Files






Made of



Wild Dracos (2) - Physical Models

Weight 0.051 kg





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