Skeleton Warriors

SKU: Miniatures-Undead-FallenCounty-SkeletonWarriors-Reg-Unit
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Skeleton Warriors

The unwavering commitment to duty and the indomitable spirit of service unite the regiment as one. No longer do the echoes of wounded cries, the anguished moans of the dying, or the thundering barks of orders resound. Instead, they march forward in solemn silence, their footsteps a grim procession, the eerie stillness of their advance interrupted only by the bone-chilling clash of blades meeting flesh. The regiment serves, advances, and prevails.

Skeleton Warriors, a regiment for any Undead army in games like Kings of War, The 9th Age, Forgotten World, Saga: Age of Magic, Oathmark and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

Compatible models with Mordheim City Of The Damned and other skirmish games like Frostgrave, Rangers of the Shadow Deep and Circle of Blood.

Take your Skeleton Warriors into dungeons and role-playing games.

From: 5.00 
Product Quantity

Skeleton Warriors, Regiment (20) - Physical Models

Extra Command Sprue - Physical Model

5.00  each

Skeleton Warriors Patrol (4) - Physical Models



Still marching in ranks, still handing their swords, still soldiers…but just a memory of the men who they were…”.

Skeleton Warriors are 32mm multi-part and multi-pose miniaturres. Can be mount with spear or hand weapon and shield.


Regiment Physical Models kit contains: 20 Skeleton (four different models) and a Command Group Sprue.
Extra Command Sprue Physical Model kit contains: Command Group Sprue.
Parol Physical Models kit contains: 4 Skeleton (different models).


Manufactured in plastic resin. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. We highly recommend use a sharp knive instead of sand papel. Use only 280-320 water sandpaper.

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Some of the pictures showed contain bits from Skeleron Warriors Command Sprue.


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