Ordo Draconis’ Thralls

SKU: Miniatures-Undead-OrdoDraconis-Thralls-Unit

Ordo Draconis’ Thralls

Life in the lands ruled by the Ordo Draconis is a crucible of unyielding hardship and profound bitterness. Those villagers deemed indispensable for the mechanics of the feudal order find themselves ensnared within the suffocating grasp of their vampiric overlords. It is not merely the specter of a cruel demise that shadows them incessantly, but the very fabric of their existence, woven with terrors that forge their minds and bodies into vessels of unparalleled ferocity.

These earthbound serfs, true captives of their fates, are naught but rustic implements wielded by their masters, summoned when necessity dictates and discarded once their usefulness wanes. Even amidst the clamor of vampiric hosts marching into battle, they are summoned as frail levies, deemed by their commanders as little more than sacrificial pawns upon the grand chessboard of war.

Ordo Draconis’ Thralls usables individually for skirmish games like Rangers of the Shadow Deep, Frostgrave, Circle of Blood and other Mordheim City Of The Damned alternatives.

These miniatures can be used as an unit in any Undead and Vampire army for tabletop games like Forgotten World, The 9th Age, Saga: Age of Magic, KOW and other Warhammer Fantasy Battles alternative games.

Patreon Wargames January 2022
From: 10.00 
Product Quantity

Ordo Draconis' Thralls (2) - Physical Models

Ordo Draconis Knights and Thralls - Digital Files



Ordo Draconis’ Thralls. 32mm scale models, sculpted on 3D. Suitable for any Undead  and Vampire army, warband and collection.


Thralls Physical Models kit contains:  2 Thralls (different models).
Ordo Draconis Knights and Thralls Digital Files contains STL files of: Officer, Bearer, Musician, 2 Knights and 2 Thralls. Extra bits can be used to assemble different models.


Physical model printed under demand with an Anycubic Photon Mono Printer or similar. 20µm resolution.
Clean of supports, some small imperfections may occur where the supports are placed.

Digital Files: Pre supported Stl files included as complimentary gift not included in the price of the item. Supports can be remove before print. Supported for Chitubox®. Download will be available along the following 30 days after the purchase. This product is a STL file. A 3D printer is necessary to get it as physical model. Compressed files with Winrar®.

Additional information

Made of









Cursed City Warband


Ordo Draconis' Thralls (2) - Physical Models

Weight 0.025 kg
Made of






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Cursed City Warband


Ordo Draconis Knights and Thralls - Digital Files

Made of






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From: 10.00